Safeguarding Statement

At Walton Hall the safeguarding of students and staff is an absolute priority. We have a large and dedicated safeguarding team who meet weekly to discuss any concerns raised. The school works closely with local agencies to provide support and advice to students and their families.


The Safeguarding team

Julie Wood - Principal Designated safeguarding lead
Laura Paget - Vice Principal Deputy safeguarding lead
Chris Frid - Head of care Deputy safeguarding lead
Donna Norton - School Therapist Deputy safeguarding lead
Dawn Wall - Assistant Principal and Designated Teacher Deputy safeguarding lead
Karen Walker - Assistant Principal  Deputy safeguarding lead
Alex Steer - Assistant Principal Deputy safeguarding lead
Heather Rigby - School Nurse  


Our link academy councillor for safeguarding is Elizabeth Pohl.


Please click each link to download our safeguarding policies:

Safeguarding and Pupil Protection Policy 2024-25

Self Harming Policy

Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

Online Safety Policy (e-safety)


Safeguarding contact information


Staffordshire’s Children's Advice and Support Service (SCAS)  0300 111 8007 

Out of office hours: 0345 604 2886

Visit website:


Stoke on Trent

Advice and referral team: 01782 235100

Out of office hours: 01782 234234

Visit website:



Visit website:


Cheshire East

Visit website: Cheshire East Safeguarding Children's Partnership (CESCP)



Phone number: 0800 1111

Visit website:



Phone number: 0800 8005000

Visit website: