Our Vision for Careers
“Supporting our students to make aspirational and informed choices about their own future”.
Aims and Objectives of our PFA careers education programme
The careers provision at Walton Hall Academy aims to inspire our students to become curious about the world of work, and the options and possibilities this opens up to them now and for their journey beyond the academy. We believe in promoting equality and diversity, helping students to explore and challenge limiting stereotypes so that they can recognise and overcome constraints this may place upon their choices and aspirations. By equipping our students with the knowledge, skills and attributes to explore the range of options available, and reflect upon these for them as individuals, we will support them in understanding how to make well-informed and realistic decisions and put these into action. Given the context of a changing world of work, and the recognition that as individuals they will continue to change in terms of their hopes, ambitions and aspirations, our careers provision will provide the foundation to enable them to manage the transition from the academy and the subsequent transitions that unfold. Walton Hall Academy recognises that is has a statutory duty to secure independent careers guidance for all of our young people. (The Education Act 2011 / Careers guidance and access to education and training providers January 2018).
We will support our learners in making informed decisions by providing access to differentiated impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of post 16 pathways available to them beyond Walton Hall Academy. It is to these aspects of personal and social development that this policy will contribute.
To view our careers policy please click here