Humanities (RE, Geography and History)

Humanities at Walton Hall Academy

Knowing and understanding the world around you are key factors in our ability to function constructively in society. At Walton Hall the Humanities curriculum is designed to support our KS3 students in understanding our society and how we interact within our environment. Students are encouraged to ask challenging questions about why we as a society do the things we do.

Our Humanities curriculum incorporates Geography, History and RE. Within KS3 in our navigators pathway, these are taught discreetly as independent subjects. For the learners on our explorers and sensory pathways these subjects are incorporated into topic lessons.  In KS4 students study humanities subjects through WJEC personal pathways. Topics of study include people and protest where students learn to investigate the success of protests. They also study a British Society of the Past – The 1960’s.

Our Humanities subjects are supported by field trips in the community to help to put our learning into context. We also deliver learning through assemblies on key themes in all humanities subjects.

Geography curriculum intent

We aim to inspire in our students a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. We want our students to enjoy learning and have high aspirations in order to achieve well and meet their own potential.  Students will develop a knowledge and understanding of geographical issues in the modern world. They will develop an understanding of interactions between people and the environment and an appreciation of the need for sustainability. We aim to support our students to become resilient, confident learners, and to develop transferable skills that will prepare them to become responsible citizens in the future.

History curriculum intent

The aim of the history curriculum for KS3 is to provide students with as much of a breadth of historical knowledge as possible within the three years. Students will explore modern 20th Century History covering modern and relevant topics. Some of the topics that students will study during their time at Walton Hall Academy include:

  • Ancient Egypt
  • The Victorian era
  • World War I
  • The Suffragettes
  • World War II.

Other areas of study will aim to provide a foundation of knowledge about the origins and development of the British nation. Students will also link the topics of study in History to other areas of the curriculum, such as English, Art and Music.

Students will have further opportunity to follow a humanities pathway in KS4. This is currently WJEC Humanities, with topics including People and Protest and Britain in the 1960s. Students following the Navigators pathway will be provided with the opportunity to gain a qualification in humanities at this stage of their education, which will allow them to progress onto further study within this subject beyond WHA if that is what they choose to do.

Religious Education curriculum intent

Religious Education has a significant role for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The principle aim of RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principle religions and worldviews in the local, national, and wider global community. The key aims for religious education are reflected in two key areas: Learning about region and belief and Learning from religion and belief. The development of knowledge, skills and understanding focuses on these two key aspects of learning in Religious Education and supports progress in EHCP outcomes of all learners.