ICT at Walton Hall Academy
Computing and the use of ICT is central to the education of all students. We aim to give each student the opportunity to apply and develop their technological understanding and skills across a wide range of situations and tasks. Students are encouraged to develop a confident and safe approach to computing and the use of ICT, with the understanding of the capabilities and flexibility of the resources.
The ICT courses are designed to give learners the skills to operate confidently, effectively and independently in education, work and everyday life. We aim to ensure the ICT experiences and abilities that the students are equipped with lead to effective and transferrable life skills.
Most students have specific ICT lessons, however ICT is also embedded across all subjects. In Key Stage 3, within the navigators pathways, specific time is given to using ICT to develop maths skills through software called Conquer Maths.
As students develop their skills and move into Key Stage 4 most will work towards Pearson Functional Skills Information and Communication Technology (ICT) qualifications at a level appropriate to their ability.
Functional Skills assessments from Entry Level 1 to Level 1 are taken in Year 11.
In Post 16, students will continue to build on and further develop their skills in Functional skills ICT to the appropriate level from Entry Level 1 through to Level 1. Some students will also study BTEC Level 1 Introductory Certificate in Information Technology.