Work experience and supported internships
At Walton Hall, students will have the opportunity to take part in our Work Experience scheme ‘Pathways’. They choose a sector of employment that interests them and complete a week’s worth every year from Y11 onwards. This sector of interest may change and so too, will the work experience placement. Work experience gives students to the chance to develop:
- Their social skills with a range of familiar and unfamiliar people.
- Their understanding of the pressures faced in a daily work place.
- A decision as to whether they want to further a career in the sector.
- Confidence as an employee.
If a placement is successful, there may be further placements including one day a week alongside the POST 16 academic timetable. Students completing these placements develop a greater understanding of the sector.
Students in their final year of education may have the opportunity to complete a Supported Internship. During this placement, students will spend two days a week in school working towards qualifications in English, Maths and vocational subjects. They will also be given support in school towards the targets that are set while on placement. The work based placement runs for three days a week with targets set for each term that run alongside the EHCP and support the development of the student in their role. A staff member is allocated as their mentor and point of contact throughout the placement for the student, parents and employer.
If the student is successful in their placement, they may be offered employment within the company. If not, the student will be supported into further education or alternative employment.
Several students who have completed work experience and supported internships have been offered employment from their placements.