Admission Arrangements

Our Planned Places number is agreed annually with the Local Authority. This can vary slightly year on year depending on our capacity to meet the needs of our complex population. At the moment this sits at 175 places across the whole school. We are currently oversubscribed with 203 students on role. 

We can sometimes consider requests for places from the Local Authority throughout the year if a place becomes available. We are often planning the school roll a year ahead.

If you think Walton Hall Academy may be the school that could meet the needs of your child, you can contact us for an initial informal discussion.

In the first instance you should contact our transitions lead Dawn Wall (

The school contact number is 01785 850420 or you can contact the school by email

We cannot admit any child without following the formal consultation process. This involves communication with your child's SEND keyworker at the local authority, or through an EHC annual review at your child's current school in the first instance. Staffordshire Local Authority SEND team and the current school would be able  discuss all schools that may be able to meet the needs of your child. Once you have confirmed your preference, the LA would then send out formal consultation papers to us for review and decisions.

The Local Authority can be contacted via:

SINGLE POINT OF ACCESS (SPA) on 0300 111 8007

Or by viewing their website at: 


You can contact the School Admissions and Transport Services via:

Telephone: 01785 278593
Post: School Admissions and Transport Service, Tipping Street, Stafford, ST16 2DH

Please click the link below to access our Admissions Policy 

Walton Hall Admissions Policy September 2022