The Academy Council and staff believe that the wearing of school uniform gives students confidence in themselves, pride in the academy and helps to promote a feeling of belonging to the school community.
It is both practical and economical and helps prevent needless comparisons in dress. Post 16 students are not required to wear school uniform.
We do not allow branded clothing in the academy.
We appreciate support from our parents in implementing our school uniform. If you require support to purchase compulsory uniform, please contact our school office (01785 850420)
Compulsory items of clothing are as follows:
Plain black polo shirt (preferably embroidered with the school logo)
Black Walton Hall school jumper embroidered with the school logo
Plain black trousers (optional: plain black school shorts in the summer)
Black school shoes or plain black trainers
Plain black polo shirt (preferably embroidered with the school logo)
Black Walton Hall school jumper or cardigan embroidered with the school logo
Plain black trousers or black skirt (no leggings)
Black school shoes or plain black trainers
PE Kits
Plain white polo shirt or plain white T shirt (preferably embroidered with the school logo)
Plain black jogging bottoms or shorts
Sports trainers - (football boots if requested by PE staff)
On Health and Safety grounds we strongly recommend that students do not wear jewellery at school. Children are allowed to wear a watch.
Our uniform can be purchased from
This is the link to access the uniform suppliers page:
Please note that it is compulsory for boys and girls, year 7-11 to wear a Walton Hall logo jumper/cardigan purchased from this platform. Other items can be purchased from this platform or other high street retailers (no brands).